Scope This SOP describes procedures for cleaning industrial (benchtop) scales. Designed to instruct personnel on how to thoroughly clean a scale. Scale cleanliness can have a significant impact on operating efficiency and scale longevity, as well as user safety.
Things to note
Make sure personnel know how to clean the scale and refer to the instructions and guidelines in the user manual.
First remove excess powder and dust, then remove gunk.
For excess powder and dust, use a clean, dry cloth.
Remove the weighing plate according to the instructions in the user manual.
Remove any dirt and foreign matter that may have accumulated beneath it. (Do not use any hard objects to do this. Do not disassemble the weighing platform.)
Remove dirt and sediment from the outside and inside of the weighing platform using a soft, clean cloth moistened with appropriate detergent.
Only use cleaning agents that will not affect the plastic used in the weighing platform and comply with the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not use strongly acidic, alkaline or chlorinated cleaners. Avoid using substances with a pH that is too high or too low as this increases the risk.
All cleaners should be rinsed thoroughly according to the instructions in the user manual.
Take special care when cleaning the load cells of our high-precision models. Never touch, blow or spray the load cell cover directly with compressed air.
The most appropriate cleaning procedure depends on the type of surface and environmental conditions (dry, wet or corrosive). The instructions in the user manual should always be followed.
Stainless steel models require subsequent oiling for proper maintenance.
See the user manual for detailed instructions.
Cleaning Frequency Cleaning frequency varies depending on the industry, application and frequency of instrument use. In general, it is recommended to clean the scale at least after every shift or product line change. If there is a spill, the entire area should be cleaned before weighing another material. When handling potentially toxic substances, the scale must always be cleaned after use. Cleaning Procedure The following steps describe a general cleaning procedure that applies to all bench scales. Depending on the type and model of scale you have, some of the steps listed below may not work. Standard cleaning procedures
做好准备:保护自己并准备好说明。 a. 穿戴适当的个人防护装备(外套、护目镜和手套)。 b. 查阅操作说明,了解如何拆卸和重新组装秤的可拆卸部件。 c. 查阅操作说明和/或用户手册,了解清洁秤部件的推荐清洁剂。