Flex应用专题 | 解锁蛋白质谱前处理自动化的无限潜能
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article · 2025Year56Moon8Day
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云端相约 | 邀您共同解锁蛋白质谱前处理自动化无限潜能
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article · 2025Year27Moon6Day
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Flex应用专题 | 解锁蛋白质谱前处理自动化的无限潜能
Check the DetailsNEST single hole reservoir, 290 mL
NEST 2 mL 96 Deep Well Plate, V Bottom
NEST 96-well plate, flat bottom
NEST single hole reservoir, 195 mL
NEST 12-well reservoir, 15 mL
OT-2 32-well tube rack, 15mL
Opentrons 0.2 mL 96-well PCR rigid plate, fully skirted
NEST 50 mL centrifuge tube
NEST 15 mL centrifuge tube
NEST 2.0 mL centrifuge tube
NEST 1.5 mL centrifuge tube
Four-in-one centrifuge tube rack
Aluminum alloy pipe rack
OT-2 filter tip, 200µL
OT-2 filter tip, 1000µL
OT-2 Tip, 20µL
OT-2 Tip, 300µL
OT-2 Tip, 1000µL
OT-2 filter tip, 20µL
Opentrons Flex 96-channel tip rack adapter
Opentrons Flex Tips, 50 µL
Opentrons Flex Tips, 200 µL
Opentrons Flex Tips, 1000 µL
Opentrons Flex Filter Tips, 50 µL
Opentrons Flex Filter Tips, 1000 µL
Opentrons Flex Filter Tips, 200 µL
This new affordable laboratory machine offers even small research teams the opportunity to automate experiments.
What it does: Basically, this is the most boring part of lab work. Created by Opentrons, OT-2 uses pre-written code or custom code created by researchers to automate experiments by measuring and moving liquids between containers.
Small-Scale Automation: Equipment to perform pipetting tasks already exists, but they are too large and expensive for small laboratories. The OT-2 costs $4,000 and fits on a standard lab bench, meaning more researchers should be able to skip pipetting.
Increase output: “We tend to think of our robots as force multipliers and expect each researcher to increase their output in the lab with every OT-2 they run. About three times,” said Opentrons co-founder Will Canine.
Automation Lab: The robot also has an open API, meaning users can integrate the robot with devices like Amazon Alexa — something scientists are already experimenting with.
The experienced service team and strong production support team provide customers with worry-free order services.